Thursday, July 21, 2011

advice to daughter

Dear unknown,
                         This is the only time I will give you advice about your children, I am not a psy. but through my life I have I have come to observe much. Although I don't think it will get your head out of the sand you buried it in. As your fatherI see that you have a dangerous situation in your family life so from what I have observed here and at your home I am writing to let you know my thinking hoping it will help your family life, although it's all up to you.
Believe it or not I deplore the existnce of all religions, and do not consider any country as my own, so you trying to make me believe that your kids are not religious hurt me that you could not be honest with me. As for Sergei, you obviously have more love for Alexei this continues to hurt Sergei profoundly and I am afraid that giving him more attention now won't help matters if not worsen them. You should never scream at a child it is a verbal beating much worse than a phisical one thats because that's what the child wants at any cost to him. Sergei at this stage will do anything at least asmuch or more to get attention from his family and their friends than Alexei does. So I suggest that you take some time and have a good talk with your husband then the two of you have a serious talk with Sergei, as he is an intelligent 9 years old talking to him as a man he will understand the why Alexei is getting all the attention, first Alexei is 2 years older knows more about different things speaks fairly good english and is more sure of himself so Sergei has to be made to understand that if he wants more attention from those around him he must study harder than Alexei in order to catch up intellectually as in languages in order to make up for the 2 years difference in their ages. Football is not an intellectual subject and does not attract attention except by those thar are sport minded.
By the way, jealousies hurt the jealous nobody else unless it brings abour violence.
                                                          Take good care ofyourself, Dad

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